
Friday, June 12, 2015

Stars and Stripes

Sometimes I like to make something just for the fun of it.  I may not have an intended use/place for it or a recipient in mind, but the urge hits to do something different.  When I saw the theme for this week's challenge over at Cut It Up, I was inspired and went with it.

I started by masking off my canvas.  I used gelatos coloring in every other stripe.  I also used gelatos on the star portion.  I then used metallic pant mixed with re-inker and painted over the stripes to give them the weathered/faded appearance.  I used a baby wipe to apply different shade of blue ink to the star portion.

I actually applied the stars before adding
the paint to the stripes.  
I applied the stars using a stencil cut from Artbooking.  I taped it down with washi tape and applied the Texture Paste.  Once it was dry I sprinkled course white glitter over that portion.
The running horses were cut from black vinyl in Design Space; the images were from Old West and Iron On Horse-3 in DS.  The title was cut from blue vinyl and that image is from Graphically Speaking.

I finished the canvas by spraying the entire piece with Tea Stain Color Bloom Spray Mist by Prima.  

So, how will you be inspired by the Stars and Stripes over at Cut It Up?  We can't wait to see what you design!  Head on over and check out the complete rules and link up your creation for a chance to win a wonderful prize from out sponsor As Cute As A Button!

I have since found a place for my creation in my tack room of the barn!  It's fun to have some decor out there for my students to enjoy!

Thanks for coming by to visit me at Scrappyhorses!  I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of my guys!


  1. Such a wonderful canvas! It's perfect for your room and your horses!

  2. This is such an awesome project!! LOVE how you created it on Canvas!!! So Cool! Have a Creative Weekend! :)

    Theresa (CIU DT Sister)
    Scrappers Anonymous

  3. This is simply BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love it!!! Have a great weekend!!

  4. Katrina, your project is such a work of art!! It's gorgeous!!

  5. Wow! Your canvas is amazing Katrina!! I love the flag and I love your vinyl work. Your tack room is a great place to display this beauty. I love the picture of your horses too, they are so spectacular! Hugs, Brenda

  6. I love the running horses on this card…they are so free…perfect patriotic card :)
