I have had a vision of doing a layout like this for some time, but never seemed to have the right inspiration, papers, stamps, motivation, etc. When I saw the
March Scrapbook Challenge over at Heart 2 Heart and I looked at the new papers and stamps, I knew the time was right! I sat down at the computer in CCR, where I do my initial layout design, and thought about the images I wanted. Believe it or not, I found most of them in the
CTMH Art Philosophy and
Artiste! I guess that led me to decide CTMH
Art Philosophy is my "go to" cartridge with
Artiste being a close second. Now, don't get me wrong, I love
Old West and
Kate's ABCs; but when it comes to everyday crafting, I'd not want to give up AP! That's why this layout is going over to
BBTB2 for the Favorite Cartridge Challenge!

I think I hear some of you saying, "Wait, I know that cartridge inside and out! Those images are NOT in there!" Ah, but they are if you do some creative welding in the craft room! For example, the curtains were made with the AP Tab 2 + Rectangle 1 + Gift. I created the sign post and bunny's step in the same fashion. (* I'll give the pieces and cartridges below for the welding.) The little bird was made to fly by simply cutting 2 wings and inverting the back wing.
The sign holder and post are from CTMH
The little bunny tailor was cut from
Kate's ABCs; that is such a cute cartridge -- especially for Springtime!
I'll hit a few of the highlights and give a list of supplies below.
The bunny was cut from Whisper CS and his collar was colored in with a gel pen. His ear and nose were colored with a CTMH Smoothie marker. He was shaded with a colored pencil and a Whisper Marker; his eye is a Licorice gem. His scissors are coated in Liquid Glass to give them a shiny appearance.
The step is also cut from Whisper and the top is embossed with the CTMH Dot folder. I then rubbed over it with Juniper. The bow and ribbon are Color Ready Seam Binding. The Flamingo Dots embellish it.
The dress is cut from Sky and the tulle, ribbon, pearls, and accent blue gems are all left over from Katie's wedding!
The tailor's assistant working on the pearls is cut from sky and distressed with Crystal ink. His beak was colored with a gel marker. I coated his wings with some liquid glass using a brush to give them some texture. She is stitching with some embroidery floss on a spool cut from
I have a great idea for that spool cut in a later project, but I won't get off track with that here! This post has way too much for me to ramble on about another project!
Ok, here are my formulas for the shapes:
Sign Post = Artiste Accent 1 pge 36 + Accent 1 pge 40
Dress, form, spool, and scissors = Artiste Accent 1, 2 and 4 pge 41
Curtains = AP Rctngle1 pge 44 + Tab2 pge 58 + Gift Dec Layer pge 60 (hide circles in CCR)
Step = AP Star4 Dec Layer pge 49 + Rctngle 1 pge 44 (hide circles in CCR)
Frame = AP Rctngle 1 3X
Sign = AP Square2 pge 33
Bird = AP Bird peg 51
Bunny and chair = Kate's ABCs page 61
Supply List:
CTMH Cardstock and Papers from the background up: Ariana, Jubilee, Babycakes, Whisper, Slate, Smoothie, and Cashmere
CTMH inks: Sky, Honey, Blush, Smoothie, Sorbet, Juniper, Crystal Blue, and Slate
CTMH Markers: Smoothie and Whisper
CTMH Stamps: Universal Backgrounds, Cross Stitch Wishes
CTMH Embellishments: Color Ready Seam Binding, Licorice Gem, Flamingo Dots, Chantilly Assortment, Dot Embossing Folder, and Liquid Glass
Miscellaneous Embellishments and Stuff: Blue gems, Embroidery Floss, Blue Satin Ribbon, Stash Pearls from an old flourish, Tulle, Pencils, Gel Pens, Silver Pigment Ink, and Black Marker
Whew, that may have been TMI for a Friday afternoon. I need to get up and move after typing all that! It's such a nice day I think I'll go out and work some horses! Hope the weather is as nice for all of you. Have a great weekend!
Stop by
KatiesCorner for inspiration, videos, a look at the new CTMH Spring Idea Book, and great papers and stamps!